
Admission Criteria

Applicants are required to meet the admission criteria for the award they wish to apply.
Diploma of Ministry (AQF level 5)

Admission to Candidature
An applicant for admission to candidature for the Diploma of Ministry will:

  • have satisfactorily completed Year 12 in the Australian school system, or its equivalent; or
  • have reached the age of 20 and so satisfy the requirements for Mature Age Entry; or
  • have adequate grounds for Special Entry

Applicants whose entry qualifications were obtained in an institution where English is not the language of instruction normally will be required to demonstrate competency in English by an IELTS (or equivalent) result of 6.0 with no score below 5.5.

Applicants whose entry qualifications were obtained will require their awards assessed for Australian equivalence.

Bachelor of Ministry (AQF level 7)

Admission to Candidature
An applicant for admission to candidature for the Bachelor of Ministry will:

  • have an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) of 65, or its equivalent (e.g., OP ≤ 16), with English proficiency; or
  • have reached the age of 21 and so satisfy the requirements for Mature Age Entry; or
  • have adequate grounds for Special Entry; or
  • seek to articulate from other Sydney College of Divinity programs

Applicants whose entry qualifications were obtained in an institution where English is not the language of instruction normally will be required to demonstrate competency in English by an IELTS (or equivalent) result of 6.0 with no score below 5.5.

Applicants whose entry qualifications were obtained overseas will require their awards assessed for Australian equivalence.

Special Entry

A student may be admitted to a course on the basis of Special Entry. Such students might be:

A - persons who have not yet reached mature age and who did not do the HSC or failed to meet the UAI or ATAR level. For example, a person under 20 years of age who did not do the HSC but has completed a trade certificate or equivalent;

B - persons who have been educationally disadvantaged due to:

  • socio-economic reasons such as low-family income or poor living conditions;
  • language difficulties;
  • have adequate grounds for Special Entry
  • learning difficulties;
  • disrupted schooling;
  • physical disability;
  • serious family illness;
  • excessive family responsibility;
  • geographical isolation of home and/or school and lack of support, time or facilities for study at home or school.

C - persons of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent who have not followed the normal HSC / WACE entry path;

D - persons who were home schooled and show evidence of being able to manage tertiary study;

E - students awaiting an IELTS result;

F - persons who have completed a prescribed program of non-award study (4 units) and passed all units.

All Special Entry admissions are provisional.

Professional Entry

A student may be admitted to a course on the basis of Special Entry. Such students might be:

A - Students not possessing an undergraduate degree meeting the normal entry requirements may seek provisional admission into a Graduate Certificate in Arts (with a professional concentration) via Professional Entry as an alternative pathway into the Graduate Diploma in Arts.

Normally the professional experience and expertise of the potential student will align with the professional concentration in the prospective Graduate Certificate in Arts they are seeking to enter thus providing a rationale for approval but not without consideration of the level of experience required as set out in the requirements below.

This entry requires the student to:

  • possess a minimum of 5 years relevant work experience in the senior leadership role, consistent with the Typical Progression Pathways outlines below or
  • possess a minimum of 8 years relevant work experience in a range of leadership roles from associate leader to senior team leader or
  • possess a minimum of 10 years relevant work experience in an associate leader role and be over the age of 30

All applications should be made on the Standard Admissions Form and include a current CV of the student and be supported by testimonials from the applicant’s professional peers, demonstrating recognition of the applicant’s senior leadership capacities and responsibilities. The application is then evaluated by both the Member Institution Registrar and Academic Dean before submitting it to the SSAC, via the Academic Registrar, for approval.

If entry is approved, the student then enrols in a single 8500 (entry) level Graduate Certificate unit – either B85XX or T85XX or another 8500 level unit if the student has completed the equivalent to those introductions – and if this unit is completed successfully at a credit level or above may be granted normal entry into the Graduate Certificate in Arts (with a professional concentration) following an interview with the Academic Dean.

The unit completed is part of the student’s Graduate Certificate in Arts program. The remaining three units must all be completed successfully. To progress to the Graduate Diploma in Arts all units must be passed and the completed Graduate Certificate in Arts must have a GPA of at least 2.0.

Typical Progression Pathways: Relevant work experience in a senior leadership role will be determined by the Student Support and Administration Committee (SSAC) of the SCD, and (subject to the above requirements) will include:

  • Full-time church or para-church ministry in the senior leadership position.
  • Senior leadership experience in non-government, not-for-profit, community-based and related organisations which act to further the social and/or cultural outworkings of the gospel.
  • Christian business people who are fulfilling positions of responsibility including team and industry leadership
  • Other relevant senior leadership experience consistent with, and deemed by SSAC to be equivalent to, the above

Scholarships & Fees

Sparrows College charges no fees to its students!
All study options are fully funded with entry restricted to those awarded scholarships. Admission for studies at Sparrows College is only via acceptance for one the scholarships available for any given year. Scholarships are available on a quota basis, which the College determines prior to each annual intake. 

Sparrows College partners with local churches, denominations, and Christian organisations, allocating a set number of scholarships to those who meet the scholarship criteria. Each year, scholarships are allocated to its registered partners, with a select number of scholarships also available to individuals.

The Sparrows College Scholarship Committee assesses applicants on their capacity to meet the criteria set out below and the overall merit of each application. The decision of the Scholarship Committee is final. Applicants who meet the admission criteria for the selected award but are unsuccessful in obtaining a scholarship are encouraged to apply at one of the other Sydney College of Divinity member institutions.

Tuition Fees

Diploma - $1850 (per 9cp unit); $14,800 total

Bachelor - $2,400 (per 9cp unit); $57,600 total

Sparrows College only accepts students on a scholarship basis. Scholarships cover 100% of the tuition fee.

Application Process

There are two stages to the application process. Approved applicants from Stage 1 will be invited to participate in Stage 2 of the process.

Stage 1
requires the submission of the following:
• Completed application form
• Submission of all the required evidence 
• A 750-word biographical essay
• A short 5-minute introduction video

Stage 2
• consists of a 30-minute personal interview with the Scholarship Committee (for approved Stage 1 applicants only)

Criteria for Applicants: 

Sparrows College seeks applicants who are responding to a call to Christian ministry with the following Christian characteristics:

• A personal commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour
• A proven commitment to personal growth and accountability
• Faithful involvement in Christian ministry
Applicants must provide evidence of:
• their current commitment to Christian ministry
• their prospects of a ministry / vocational appointment after their studies

Applicants are required to explain their personal call to ministry and their dreams and aspirations for the future.
Applicants must demonstrate the capacity to devote the necessary time and commitment to the formal and informal activities of the College.

• At least 32hrs per week fulltime; 16hrs per week part time
• Attend the campus Tuesday-Thursday during the academic year (fulltime students); Wednesday and half day Thursday (part time students)
• Actively participate in the spiritual formation and mentoring programs of the College
• A commitment to a local church
• Be actively and regularly involved in local church or parachurch ministry under the supervision of a senior mentor
• Applicants must meet the academic and English entry requirements for the award.

For further details and for an explanation of the application process, please see the online application form.

Conditions for Scholarship:

Under the following scenarios, scholarships may be either 1) suspended; or 2) cancelled, depending on the individual circumstances: 

•Significant character flaws resulting in illegal or immoral behaviour; or

•Inability to maintain the necessary time and commitment to the College’s formal and informal activities; or

•Inability to maintain at least a ‘C’ average in their academic work, even with remedial support; or
•Inability to remain engaged in Christian ministry.

•In the circumstance where a scholarship is suspended, the student will be unable to enrol in units through Sparrows College for the period of suspension.

•In the circumstance where a scholarship is cancelled, the student will be directed to exit the College with their highest completed exit award (or in the case of illegal or immoral behaviour, without an award).
•Students who have had their scholarship suspended or cancelled may apply to continue their studies at one on the other Sydney College of Divinity member institutions.

2025 intake

For the 2025 intake the following scholarships are available for national students only:

Diploma of Ministry: (School Chaplaincy specialisation): 10 fulltime scholarships  

Diploma of Ministry: The equivalent of 5 fulltime scholarships made up from either fulltime or part time. 

Bachelor of Ministry: 10 fulltime scholarships, plus the equivalent of 5 fulltime scholarships made up from either fulltime or part time.

Extra-curricular activities

Extra-curricular activities are designed to cultivate the spiritual and communal life of the College community. Active participation in these activities is a requirement for scholarship. 

Prayer and Reflection

Morning Prayer & Reflection (15 min before first morning classes)

Community Plus:

Weekly community activities throughout the semester periods (12:30pm*/1:15pm-1:55pm. *if lunch included)

Small groups: Integration and formation (5-6x per semester)

Chapel: Corporate prayer, worship, and exhortation, involving students, faculty, and guests (5-6x per semester) 

Special events: community lunches, cross-generational engagement (2x per semester)

Spiritual / Team Building Retreats

2-3x per year. These are day retreats, scheduled for the Wednesday of Orientation and for one Wednesday during a study break each semester)